
how to get rid of hanging belly after c-section

One of the most frustrating body parts to maintain is the stomach. It is the first part of your body that gets big whenever you're starting to gain weight It's one of the most depressing realities of life, and of course, the majority of the people who are trying to lose weight would usually want to know how to get rid of hanging belly fat.

And if you're someone who's not gifted with prominent pecs as a guy or an impressive bosom as a girl, it just gets even more frustrating when your tummy hangs out. So today, let's get into how we can get rid of this unsightly belly fat.

The Truth About Hanging Belly Fats

A common mistake people make when trying to resolve their problems is by failing to understand the problem. Before you come up with ideas and plans to get rid of your hanging belly fat, you should know that it's comprised of two types of body fats. While your arms and legs are made up of a single layer of fat, your stomach has two.

Subcutaneous Fat

The top layer is known as the subcutaneous fat, and it sits on the top layer. It is the squishy, cushy fat you can touch and see when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Subcutaneous fat essentially stores unused calories around our waistline and serves as your own personal pantry if you ever end up starving and have to go on without food. It will provide for the body in case you require an emergency calorie supply to survive.

Visceral Fat

The visceral fat, however, is considerably more dynamic below the surface fat which presents destructive effects to your insulin resistance levels and can trigger medical problems. This is yet another logical motivation to work at losing your hanging belly fat.

Targeting Specific Only Your Stomach Area Won't Work


Many individuals still trust in the idea of spot reduction or isolating specific body parts to lose weight. Asking your body to just expel fat from one area of your body such as reducing the fat from your legs when you play out a squat or expelling fat from your stomach when you play out a crunch is illogical.

Mother Nature didn't gift us with that much authority over our bodies, and so we do have to abide by our biological rules.

You Can't Do Spot Reduction!


Whenever we practice or perform a physical movement, our body burns a lot of calories and fats from all over our body. The areas that will first begin to burn fats is usually hereditarily predetermined, yet for most people, and particularly ladies, the bum and stomach areas are the last places to see any results from weight loss programs.

Every time you do crunches, sit-ups or leg lifts, you're certainly working the muscle tissues that lie underneath your stomach fat.

Unfortunately, the fat on top of these muscles is doing next to zero work at all, and it's definitely not planning to go away anytime soon if you're planning to go about it this way.

This is the reason why obliques and your abs are frequently the last muscles to show up once you've achieved a lighter body. These muscles have always been covered by your visceral and subcutaneous stomach fats despite the fact that you've played out thousands of crunches!

Getting Rid Of Your Hanging Belly Fats

The way to get rid of your collection of both visceral fats and subcutaneous fats is to move a lot. That doesn't mean interminable crunches, sit-ups, or leg lifts will work, although these are excellent activities.

They won't be enough to segregate your fat from your muscles on their own. The good news is it's not impossible to get rid of your hanging belly fat. The bad news is you'll have to work extremely hard for it. Here are several ways you can lose that belly fat:

#1 – Watch Your Diet

You need to take a look at your eating habits. The blend of the correct eating cycle and proper diet is essential.

  • 1. Eat healthy foods all the time to encourage weight reduction as this will influence your whole body especially your hanging belly fat. Your stomach is one of the most significant areas that you will notice an improvement from as you get fitter.
  • 2. Pick foods grown from the ground as snacks, dinners that contain incline proteins and whole grains, and low-fat dairy food items.
  • 3. Cook with healthier fats like olive and coconut oil rather than vegetable oils or margarine. Your overall daily calorie intake shouldn't go beyond 2000 calories for women, and men shouldn't have more than 2500 calories a day. Consider bringing down your total daily caloric allowance to about 1,500 to 2,500 calories daily to become more fit.

#2 – Get Into Cardio!

Strolling, running, indoor cycling, kickboxing, and inline skating are cardiovascular exercises. Cardio blazes fat all through the whole body. Perform cardio exercises for no less than an hour, four to five days per week. When working out, work out at a level that forces you to breathe hard and start to sweat.

#3 – Work Your Core

Perform exercises three or four days every week that focuses specifically on your stomach and abdominal muscles. Planking is a great way to strengthen your core.

  • 1. Lie face down on the floor.
  • 2. Place both of your hands with the palms face down under your shoulders, on either side of your body.
  • 3. Push your abdomen, rump, thighs, and knees off of the ground similar to when you're about to do a pushup, with your weight on your hands and toes.
  • 4. Lower down to your elbows, placing your hands together.
  • 5. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds, or for as long as you can. Keep the line of your body straight from your head to your toes.
  • 6. Repeat no less than five times for each session, with no more than 15 seconds of rest intervals.

#4 – Do Pelvic Floor Tilts With Leg Lifts

  • 1. Lie on your back and your knees bowed with your feet on the floor.
  • 2. Place your arms out to your sides.
  • 3. Contract your pelvic floor muscles so that it feels like you're trying to hold your pee. Release.
  • 4. Play out this practice again while raising one leg marginally off the floor. Hold for a few moments and then release. Repeat with the other leg. Repeat ten times each with each leg to train your abdominal area in addition to your pelvic floor muscles.

#5 – Do The Pendulum Plank

Pendulum boards work the whole stomach and done from a face-down position on the floor. Put your hands on the floor shoulder-width separated and feet behind you. Gradually get yourself up, fix your arms and fix your center to shape a straight back.

While holding this position, lift your foot and move your leg out to your side beyond what many would consider possible without giving your toes a chance to touch the floor. Move your leg back to the beginning position.

#6 – Do Hanging Leg Scissors

The hanging leg scissors work the lower abs with the use of a pull-up bar. While swinging from the bar with a shoulder-width, overhand hold, lift your right leg straight up as high as you comfortably can.

Gradually drop it down while raising your left leg. Alternate forward and backward with every leg. To do a less demanding variety, take each knee up in the air with your leg.

Useful Tips!

  • Workout consistently to help dispose of the extra weight that accumulates in and around your waist.
  • The power and kind of workout depend greatly on your present fitness level, though try to make a habit of getting your body to move somewhere between three to six days each week for approximately 30 to 90 minutes for every session.
  • Great body workouts incorporate energetic strolling, running, cycling or riding a practice bicycle, swimming, and kickboxing or other heart stimulating exercises. Participate in sports that you actually enjoy so it will be less demanding to make it a regular practice that you can squeeze into your life's busy schedule.

Effectively Get Rid Of Hanging Belly Fat The Right Way

There are no shortcuts if you want long-term and effective results. Practice healthy eating habits and a healthier lifestyle to keep your body strong. While hanging belly fats are hard to get rid of, you'll be able to achieve this with just a bit of discipline. You will also be at less risk of falling ill.

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how to get rid of hanging belly after c-section


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