Introduction: Human Cell Miniskirt Golf game

Here's how a a few folk from the Brooklyn hackerspace NYC Resistor created a mini hole inspired by a human cadre for the annual Figment mini golf game course of action on Governors Island (opens June 3 2022)! The theme of the multi-kettle of fish course this yr is "mini is the new big," and after proposing our science-themed idea to the open call for submissions, we were elect as as one of the teams to construct a hole for the flow from. This Instructable follows the process of its construction and is a quislingism between Colleen AF Venable, Guy Dickinson, Chris "Convenience" DiMauro, Ryan Micaleff, Ranjit Bhatnagar, and Becky Stern.

Special thanks to completely members of NYC Resistor, Figment organizers, and creators of the other holes along the course!

To prolong with what I'm working on, follow me on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and sign over to my newsletter.

Stair 1: Research

It had been a while since any of us had been mini golfing, so we mature to Pier 25 to remind ourselves what we liked, what ingurgitate is made from, and gossip about our construction project.

Whole tone 2: Tools and Materials

Tools we used at NYC Resistor:

  • ShopBot CNC router
  • regular wood router with table
  • conductor drill driver (aka "screwgun" according to some)
  • mitre saw
  • band power saw
  • handheld jigsaw
  • hand-held bodily cavity sander
  • chisel
  • mallet
  • file
  • clamps
  • tape measure
  • rase
  • pencils/markers
  • laser cutter (optional)

Materials from the home melioration store:

  • 8 4x8 sheets of 3/4" plywood
  • 10 2x4s (10ft)
  • 3 2ft pieces of 4" PVC pipe
  • 4" PVC drain assembly
  • green outdoor carpet
  • separate outdoor carpet/door mats
  • raincoat wood glue
  • outdoor paint
  • rollers, brushes, rouge trays
  • plastic dropcloth
  • painter's tape
  • screws
  • 8 fall back bolts each with one washer and one nut

Step 3: Produce Transmitter Art

After looking at many another illustrations and diagrams of anthropomorphic cells, we created vector art in Illustrator to determine the sizing and shape of the course and its obstacles. For variety, we created one obstacle on the laser cutter (5 layers of scrap acrylic glued up), however the majority of this throw was cut by the ShopBot CNC wood router.

Dance step 4: Prep Wood &ere; ShopBot

There's atomic number 102 ask to use pricey, cabinet-grade plywood that's absolutely flat and voidless for a mini-hole. Information technology's going to live remote, you're going to grit and paint IT, and information technology'll be trod on, kicked, bashed with golf clubs, and otherwise abused for months. Plywood sheathing will do sportsmanlike close. IT does attach to some tradeoffs, though: it's full of voids (gaps betwixt the layers of woodwind instrument), it's inconsistent in thickness, and IT's dead crammed with paste between layers to make up for the lower quality wood.

Attach it to the spoilboard as flat every bit you possibly can, and use more screws than you would with unpeasant-smelling-quality wood. American Samoa you cut pieces out of the wood, the wood will likely distort even more as you change the national stresses. Information technology's helpful to counteract this by adding more screws.

A quarter-inch down- or up-cut end mill will work just fine. Don't practice anything smaller - the large sum of glue internal the wood will wreak havoc on smaller bits. Design your artwork to avoid whatsoever curves that your bit won't be healthy to reach.

The voids inside the wood ungenerous information technology's possible that a retaining tab will end up missing because there isn't any wood thither to stomach it. Add extra tabs! Plus, the woodwind instrument will equiprobable deflection as you take out parts of it, then ensure each curve in your design is well supported.

If your plans preceptor't involve tool changes, consider using the spoilboard as your zero-reference, so that the mutual exclusiveness of thickness over each sheet of plywood won't count American Samoa often: you'll always be secured to go through the material eventually. Similarly, measure each opus of plyboard separately and atomic number 75-calibrate your toolpaths to suit: There can be as much as a quarter-inch of departure in thickness between individual plywood sheets. If your toolpaths do involve tool-changes and you don't have access to the spoilboard spell the inventory material is on there because it covers the altogether thing, you'll be stuck with victimization the top of the material as the zero reference. This is where trying to prevent the material as flat American Samoa you sack is of critical importance: try and get the incarnate as unconditional as possible with extra screws (come across above) and and then issue your zero-acknowledgment from stingy where the next cut is going to take property.

Ill-trea 5: Cut Pieces along the ShopBot

Once the material and ShopBot were all ready, time came to cut out vectors! To off mown pieces, we utilised a chisel and beetle to cut the tabs belongings IT in put down, and repeated the cutting process for all pieces of the playing field, border, cell cell organelle obstacles, ramp/tee, and microscope sandwich room.

For base hit, we all wore hearing and centre security and ne'er left the machine unattended.

With so many squiggly blobs, it was hard to keep chase away of them all-- we marked all the pieces' top sides in front taking them slay the roll in the hay, and still managed to flip some of them upper side push down later on!

Stair 6: ShopBot Tips

For pieces like the mitochondria, perform pocket cuts before profile ones: The tabs left that guard the workpiece into the blood line embodied will probably fault under the stress from the pocket cuts, so do them first while you have more supporting bodied to work with.

Roughly of our sheets created buoyant pieces, such as the athletic field and long edge pieces. We paused the machine and added a few more screws sandwiching the plywood to the base in these cases (again avoiding the router's way).

The ShopBot makes some jolly strained plywood scrap.

Preserve beverages covered and snug from dust! =D

Step 7: Paste Layers and Route Edges

Our obstacles were created using two layers of 3/4" plywood, built. Using waterproof wood mucilage and a overall heck of a mint of clamps, we competitive high equivalent pieces and glued them together. Subsequently drying all-night, we old a woods router to bulbous over the edges of all the top sides of the pieces. It was helpful to reference the vector art to countercheck the orientation of the pieces so that the correct position was routed.

The microscope sandwich board edges were routed flat on the floor. Then we put through the router into its table to stave the edges of the obstacles.

Step 8: Paint!

We arillate our space in plastic drop curtain, and used a ladder to prop up the microscope pieces, which Colleen expertly painted. The obstacles and backboards were painted solid colours exploitation cardinal coats of exterior paint, and predrilled for attaching to the fiel.

Step 9: Assemble Quadrants

Similar to the obstacles, the edge in of the course is a glue-up of ShopBotted plywood, just this time information technology's three layers of 3/4" plywood at the edge in of another bed which is the performin orbit, and screws were misused in addition to glue. We used a file and orbital sander to smooth extinct the edges where the tabs had been.

The frame supporting the playing field is made from 2x4s, and viii retardation bolts are used to secure the four pieces of the "pie" through points in this frame.

These quadrants were designed not just to live gash from standard medium-size plyboard, but also to be wee adequate to carry and Be transported in a service elevator and van.

Whole step 10: Ramp & Backboard

The mechanism of how our hole would function was only loosely established during the design process, and many elements of this section came to exist as needed and with little preciseness. The angle of the ramp was determined by how shallow we could adjust our chop saw, and the piece joining the two microscope boards is just a trapezoid bone that "seemed good" to us atomic number 3 we were building.

The general idea is that the golfer launches the ball high the wild leek, at which point it flies bump off, hits the backboard, and drops straight down into one of three PVC half-pipes directed at different areas of the flat course.

Turns out our football tee was too short to swing a nightclub, consequently, and you'll see that we lengthened the categoric political program between taking these photos and instalmen the pieces.

The tubes connecting the ramp were halved on a set saw.

Step 11: Transport It

We blind drunk our pieces into the lift, into a van, then into a truck, then out of a motortruck before assembling IT in seat. We packed golf balls for playtesting, spare paint for touchups (of naturally the trucks provided a few dings here and there), the green carpeting, and a bucket of tools.

Step 12: Assemble It

Onsite during form day was HOT and SUNNY. Antecedent planning put us in the best possible situation, which was great because the hotness made us all delirious. Many breaks for shade, snacks, and sunblock occurred.

After installing the lag bolts that hold the course together, we flipped it right side dormie and drilled few DRAIN HOLES-- We didn't think of this at all before the organizers suggested it. So then we drilled three big holes in each corner of the course where we thought water might pool.

We stapled the carpet dejected at one side, then flattened it over the course and cut information technology to build using a utility program knife. Past we flipped it give and applied spray pitchy (3M brand, type 90) to both the plyboard base and the cover of the carpet before affixing IT in place (following the operating instructions on the can).

We waited until last to staple down the carpeting around the edges, and hammered the staples down.

Step 13: Fine Adjustments

There were some tasks we knew had to wait until everything was in put together, since the pitch of our outdoor location would greatly pretend playability (although we did shim the playing area to make it as level as possible). This includes organelle placement and tube adjustment.

We had a blast test playacting the cell, then adjusting the pieces to modify how sluttish/difficult it is to drop down the ball.

We had less of a blast trimming the Premature ventricular contraction tubes to close up the opening under the ramp (to forestall balls from getting unredeemed in there, another suggestion from the organizers) with a saber saw.

After we were happy with the placement of the obstacles, we screwed them down to the playing field and painted complete the screws.

Step 14: Savour It!

This was our team's first time making a hole for a miniskirt golf course, and we're confident to learn about its durability over time, since the course volition be assailable all summertime 2022 at Governors Island-- come condition it out!

Update after ii months of use (thirdly photo): Still going strong! Atomic number 102 maintenance calls yet, though it is getting ribald and the paint is protrusive to crack in few spots from weather. There is famed grass wear near the tee, changing the elevation of the step heavenward-- something to keep in mind for future designs.

1 Person Made This Undertaking!


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